Auflage 1.1997
204 Seiten
Text: englisch
Beschreibung: Formula 1 is automotive technology at its zenith and nothing ever stands still...
This absorbing book traces the roots and consequences of the many technical changes that have occured in such a short timespan and, by reference to specific examples, assesses just how effective they have been.
Many photos (color and b/w)
Zustand: 1
Auflage 1.1997
204 Seiten
Text: englisch
Beschreibung: Formula 1 is automotive technology at its zenith and nothing ever stands still...
This absorbing book traces the roots and consequences of the many technical changes that have occured in such a short timespan and, by reference to specific examples, assesses just how effective they have been.
Many photos (color and b/w)
Zustand: 1